Andreas Breitschopp
Technical Director, Entrepreneur & Software Architect
Several years of experience as technical director and member of the company management team.
Establishing long-lasting efficient, technical teams strongly depends on the selection and development of the software developers.
Both the support from the inception of a startup (possibly as co-founder) or as the (interim) CTO are possible.
(Co-)founder of several companies.
The success of a company is not only based on technical or leadership competencies, but also on entrepreneurial thinking.
As a (co-)founder and longtime managing partner of several companies, it is self-evident to think and act on behalf of the company.
Realignment of business processes.
Digitalization is changing processes and new solutions need to be developed. Outsourcing can supplement internal resources, even in the short term, and reduce costs.
Through existing business relationships, reliable outsourcing partners can be recommended as well, if needed.
Hands-on experience as a software architect and developer.
The guidance of a technical team is only possible if the person in charge has enough “hands-on” experience himself.
Having managed many projects in client, web, app (Android, iOS) and cloud (AWS, Azure) development for a wide range of business needs, a wealth of experience can be drawn upon.
> 0 Years Leadership
> 0 Years Work Experience
> 0 Completed Projects
Andreas Breitschopp
Software Consulting
and Development
Marsstraße 78
80335 München